Patch Atlantis Evolution Windows 10 & Windows 11
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Patch Atlantis Evolution Windows 10 & Windows 11
Je vous propose un patch qui corrigera l'écran blanc qui freeze le jeu Atlantis Evolution sur Windows 10 et Windows 11.
Le patch ajoute également un wrapper pour corriger les bugs graphiques sur les GPU modernes.
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Version stable 1.0 (for Windows 10 & Windows 11)

Le patch ajoute également un wrapper pour corriger les bugs graphiques sur les GPU modernes.

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Atlantis 4: Evolution (The Adventure Company 2004) Patch for Windows 10/11 V1.0 by Tgames
This patch fix the White Screen lockup when starting the game and use dgVoodoo2 as wrapper to fix graphics issues.
It's only for the original physical version of the game (NOT GOG/DIGITAL).
It works with all CD and DVD versions.
Note: Some DVD versions are just CD rebranded on a DVD, look the note below to identify them.
Note: for CD versions ignore this note !
If you have the very rare real DVD version who use DVD setup (the one who don't have cd0, cd1... folders), make sure to edit the setup.reg.
Change "Install"="FLA" to "Install"="DVD".
Do that only if your version is the DVD one, CD based versions don't have to change anything.
Notes: Some DVD versions are just CD rebranded on a DVD, for thoses you don't have to change anything.
The real DVD version, have only one folder "datas" with everything in it.
Note: if you play in english UK you can ignore that note.
If you have a different language than English, make sure to edit the setup.reg.
Change "gbr" from "LanguageST" and "Language" to the value matching the language folder.
Some possibles values :
- "fra" for french
- "ita" for italian
- "gbr" for english UK
Don't put a value who not exist, the game will crash.
You can get the existing values by browsing in game folder to :
- cd0\datas\loc\text or cd0\datas\loc\voix (for CD versions).
- datas\loc\text or datas\loc\voix (for the rare DVD version).
0) Extract the zip content to the root of game folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\The Adventure Company\Atlantis Evolution)
It gonna ask to replace existing files (if not you putted in the wrong folder).
1) Edit the setup.reg for correct language and correct version type (read "FOR DVD USERS" and "FOR LANGUAGE CHANGES" above).
2) Launch the setup.reg
3) Set Atlantis Evolution.exe as "Launch as Administrator".
4) Launch Atlantis Evolution.exe !
Althought the game is now fully playable from beginning to end there is just 2 issues related to the fix.
- Options menu is broken and trying click "Back" will freeze the game
=> Just use registry file and atlantis4.cfg it already setup the game in "HD Mode" and with the language you want.
- Game freeze if we try to exit it (you gonna see Credits and if you press ESC key it freeze).
=> Just do Alt+F4 and don't click on the exit menu.
=> Make sure the process is closed in Windows Task Manager.
Pause, Saves and loads menus works fine.
(C) Tgames 2024
Version stable 1.0 (for Windows 10 & Windows 11)

Youtube Officiel du forum Tgames : ICI
- Messages: 3644
- Inscription: Dim 21 Sep 2008 11:15
- Localisation: France
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- cIOS Wii: Cios57 Rev19
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Linker DS: M3i Zero
- Firmware PS3: 4.00
- CFW PS3: 3.55 PS3MFW
- Dongle PS3: PS3Key
- Type de PSP: Slim
- Firmware PSP: 5.00-M33 CFW
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