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Savegame Manager Gx r127

MessagePosté: Mar 29 Juin 2010 15:26
par salahpayne
Savegame Manager Gx R127


Le gestionnaire de sauvegarde SaveGame Manager pour la Wii basé sur LibWiiGui par tantric, arrive avec une nouvelle mise à jour qui apporte son lot de nouveautés.

A noter que la version 122 a ajouté la gestion de la NAND virtuelle (lancement à partir de la NAND réelle)
Un nouveau forwarder officiel V9 vient de faire son apparition

Changelog :
r127 : * Added new HBC (LULZ) support
* Changed a bit the update process
r126 : * Changed the update fonction
* Added a script to generate and put on the good place update files for new update fonction while compiling (easy release)
* Fixed Issue 168

* Fix crash on drives with physical sector size > 512 bytes (USBLoader GX)
* Added a 10 seconds loop to wait slow HDD (USBLoader GX)
* Changed video init fonction to work with last libogc
* Synchronized to Issue 168 fix
r125 : * Added Controllers Mapping (from WiiXplorer)
* Added Controllers Settings Menu to allow you to change the mapping
* Added Controllers Settings Menu to Parental control
* Added SdPort Class to auto detect SD card eject/insert
r124 : * Fixed Issue 158
* Fixed CustomPath create problem
* Fixed SearchBar for Emulated Saves Browser
* Added Fix_EmuDB() fonction to allow you to fix or create the FaceLib file inside your emulated nand path
* Added Emulated Mii Browser to browser your miis inside your emulated nand path
* Added Emulated Mii Window to allow you to manage your miis installed inside your emulated nand path
* Added InstallMiiToEmu() fonction to FileMiiWindow, to install a mii from device to your emulated nand path
* Added InstallMii() fonction to MiiWindow, to install a mii from your real nand to your emulated nand path
* Added DeleteEmuSave() fonction to EmuSaveWindow, to install a save from your emulated nand path
* Changed ManageAll Window to add all new saves and miis emulated nand fonctions
r123 : * Fixed a widescreen problem with icons in List mode (Issue 156)
* Fixed a problem with the Icon mode for emulated nand (Issue 157)
* Fixed a problem with Warning message refresh in manage windows
* Fixed bug in aif and wav decoding (thx dimok)
* Added EmuSaveWindow to manage your saves from your emulated nand path
* Added "Block Manage Emulated Nand" to Parental Control Settings Menu
* Added InstallEmu() to install saves from your emulated nand path to the real nand (of course, the save need to already exist on the real nand)
* Added ExtractEmu() to extract saves from your emulated nand path to your storage device
* Added fonction to install a data.bin in your emulated nand path
* Added fonction to install a save from your real nand to your emulated nand path
* Added fonction to install a save from your storage device to your emulated nand path
* Fixed Linux compile errors
* Changed font character texture to I4 which uses half as much memory (less cache memory) (thx dimok)

* Updated libpng to 1.5.9
* Updated libjpeg to 8d
* Updated zlib to 1.2.6
* Updated libgd to SVN and make it use interlace on libpng (thx dimok)
Anciennes versions : 
* Fixed some navigation problems in manage windows ( Issue 154 )
* Fixed usb multipartition problem ( Issue 155 )
* Added USB Multipartition support in SelectBrowser
* Added ScrollWide effect to GuiText
* Added a warning message in manage window if the save you want to manage is not
installed in the Wii
* Fixed a problem with EmuNand list count
* Changed filebrowser to don't detect saves installed on EmuNand as extracted

* Added Emulated Nand Browser. Only if the app is running under real Nand. You can set your emulated nand path in the "custom path settings menu" and enabled/disabled the browser in the "features settings menu". At this stage, you can only browse your files, and not manage...
* Fixed problem to extract big files ( Issue 151 )
* Fixed HomebrewBrowser problem if meta.xml had no tag, or if tag is empty ( Issue 150 )
* Changed a bit the StartUp process ( Issue 152 )
* Changed NEEK running detection to v4

* Updated libntfs to 2012-1-15 (rev11)
* Updated libuneekfs to 1.0.7

* Changed the Taskbar layout
* Added USB HDD multipartition support
* Fixed Mii::Fix_DB() problem if the 3ds transfert fonction is enabled
* Added a prompt to enable the 3DS transfert while Mii::Fix_DB()
* Fixed bug in aiff sound playback (thx dimok)
* Moved Mem2_Init() after video init
* Changed NEEK running detection

* Added Class Nand and Class Tools
* Reworked lot of fonctions to use those new classes
* Reworked old mii_installer fonction as a new class Mii
* Fixed Random freeze while browsing save on
* Fixed browser's freeze if no mii or savegame are installed in the nand
* Lot of sources changes, clean and sort
* Added a Mii::FixDB() fonction on startup (fix Facelib file and miichannel's datas):

r118 :

* Removed buggy focus system completely (it was never working correct)
* Added support to control screen pointer with gc pad, nunchuk or classic
controller. you are always able to control as long as the corresponding wii
control does not point to the screen (e.g. wiimote 1 not pointing to screen ->
gcpad/nunchuk/classic controller 1 can control pointer 1). A speed factor is
added to the gui option (thx dimok)
* Added Numpad text theme and is applied with keyboard theme entries
* Added flush of homebrew memory before launching app_booter


* Added Data.bin extraction (official nintendo format) from nand to storage device only if the app is running under real nand.
* Added custom path to selected where must be extracted your data.bin by default (sd:/private/wii/title)
* Added Keys class to find some Wii keys
* Changed the animation behavior of icons (thanks antidote)
* Some little changes in fileops, DirList and IosLoader::GetIosInfo()
* Fixed false loading of custom dip module on d2x cIOS (thx dimok)
* Converted all ogg sounds from 44.1 khz to 48 khz (thx dimok)
* Fixed bad memory deallocation in data.bin fonctions to avoid corrupted datas

* Added libseeprom (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii's SEEPROM)
* Added libotp (a library that provides filesystem access to the Wii's OTP)
* Updated libext2fs to 1.0.4 r19

* Removed all functions related to the "index.sgmgx" file (perhaps a future
emulated nand saves support...)
* Fixed ExtractAllMiis() code dump.
* Fixed GameTDB url.

* Fixed problem to find some saves on
* Added a progress bar while the startup process
* Fixed a navigation problem in manage prompts
* Changed some grafics (code aligned to this changes)
* minor optimization - make LIMIT not evaluate stuff like
"atoi(balbla+strlen(stuff))" 3 times (thx giantpune)
* Some minor clean ups

* Updated libext2fs to 1.0.3 r17

* Changed illegal fat charaters fix and added a fonction to change old extracted filename while installing the save
* Added new illegal fat charaters fix to extract a data.bin to storage device fonction
* Fixed a problem who corrupt file datas while extracting a data.bin to a custom path
* Fixed freeze for Wii with no internet connection
* Added ES AHBPROT patch to keep AHBPROT flag enabled while an IOS reload
* Changed everything from WiiTDB to GameTDB (using new host and name)
* Added quick switch between system font and old font (fixed memory leak in font change) (thx dimok)

* Added Download Save Fonctions to download saves from
* Added DownloadSave button in Files/Saves/Miis management windows
* Added DownloadSave entry to Parental Control Restrictions
* Added to credits and meta.xml
* Changed zip files management in WiiTDB update fonctions
* Fixed some memory leak in data.bin fonctions (thx giantpune)

Change log (vr112_HBCfix):
*fixed launching through Homebrew Channel

* Added Data.bin support. Now, you can only decrypt a data.bin, and install in Nand or write on SD/HDD.
* Added fonctions to move or delete data.bin on SD/HDD
* Fixed Linux compile
* lot of sources clean

* Fixed a crash if browsing a folder with file with no extension
* Fixed Theme Downloader to download themes
* Removed AppBooter sources, you can find those on WiiXplorer repository

* Added ListMode to NandMiiBrowser and NandSaveBrowser ( Issue 127 )
* Updated to newest ehcmodule by rodries (thx!)
* Added necessary source code to support both USB ports at once and copying
files from one to another (WORKS ONLY WITH HERMES). It is disabled right now
because of weird crash caused by the ehcimodule when copying from one usb port
to another which can corrupt partitions. Will be enabled when the issue is
resolved. Right now only usb port 0 is active.
* Added use of the internal Wii System Menu font (thx to giantpune and r-win)
* Changed default Font Scale to 0.95 to fit with the new font. If you disabled
the system font, you should set scale factor to 1.000
* Properly sync video after flush to avoid possible green flash
* Using new app_booter (see below)
* Moved argument command line also to mem2 to avoid overwrite of it
* Reload back to entry ios when starting homebrew instead of starting it in cIOS
* Converted every 4 spaces to a tab to make the source consistent on those

AppBooter changes:
* Reduced size of app_booter from 100KB to 1KB by striping libogc and using
parts of savezelda code by TT (thx!)
* Improved performance with the change above
* Added argument passing for elf files as well
* Clear bss located in mem1 when launching dols (thx oggzee)

Forwarder changes:
* Using new app_booter method
* Properly sync video after flush to avoid possible green flash

* Improved FileBrowser speed up when open a folder containing lot of save files
* Added new DeviceBrowser Layout (Choose List or Icon display in taskbar)
* Added savetypes icons in the listbrowser
* Fixed code dump on reload font ( Issue 124 )
* Updated libfat to 1.0.10
* Added ScreenShot (hold Nunchuk button Z and press C)
* Added some strings replacement for clean chanlog text
* Added Language files update settings (you can now update meta, icon, wiitdb, lang without a new rev available)
* Added SDReload Button on MainWindow
* Fixed Titlte Launcher startup code dump (Issue 114)(thx pplucky for tests)
* Fixed infinite loop when updating icon (Issue 118)
* Fixed MoveSave and CopySave fonctions
* Changed WiiTDB settings menu by Features menu
* Changed some images position in ProgressWindow

* Added comments line detection in meta.xml
* Sources Clean

* Fixed usb probrem (Issue 111)
* Reworked the filebrowser.h/.cpp
* Some fixes in settings screens navigation
* Completly recoded the TitleBrowser (Issue 110)
* Completly recoded the gui_optionbrowser
* Added Parental Control Restrictions (Issue 113)
* Removed Libmxml use. Changed everything to use TinyXML (modified by dimok)
* Fixed Theme Downloader to list the themes
* Removed compile warnings for devkitPPC R23

* Added an automatic resource list generation script which is executed when files are added/removed (Thanks Dimok)
* Added an own class for the HomebrewPrompt
* Added booting with arguments from meta.xml for homebrews
* Added an argument receiver from meta.xml to the app: "-ios=xxx". The ios is the boot IOS on startup.
* Fixed Homebrew Browser duplicate buttons for apps with more than one dol in the app folder
* Fixed lot of problems with USB HDD (need feedback)
* Fixed the "GoogleCode" AutoUpdate problem (one more time...)

* Improved HomebrewList creation speed up
* Improved CheckSave function speed up
* Fixed ThemeReload code dump
* Completely reworked fileops file (now using DirList)

Téléchargement Savegame Manager Gx R127

Téléchargement Savegame Manager Gx R127 vWii (fichier .dol seul)

Téléchargement Official Channel (17blocks - forwarder rev09 - SMGX)

Téléchargement Official Dark Channel (17blocks - forwarder rev09 - SMGX)


Re: Savegame Manager Gx R73

MessagePosté: Mar 29 Juin 2010 17:16
par MeTalYaNg
Merci pour l'info! :bravo:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R73

MessagePosté: Mar 29 Juin 2010 22:36
par Oops
merci :bravo:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R73

MessagePosté: Mar 29 Juin 2010 22:40
par TGbot
Pour moi , c'est code dump , la R45 marche , pas celle la .
Tant pis !

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R73

MessagePosté: Mer 30 Juin 2010 01:33
par shunite
:74: Merci salahpayne :D

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R73

MessagePosté: Mer 30 Juin 2010 05:30
par MeTalYaNg
C'est pas dj_skual qui fait savegame manager GX :?: :?:

Tantric, c'est juste pour LibWiiGui non :?: :?: :?:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R74

MessagePosté: Mer 7 Juil 2010 12:36
par salahpayne
Mise a jours Savegame Manager Gx R74 .

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R74

MessagePosté: Mer 7 Juil 2010 14:20
par shunite
Merci pour la MAJ :bravo:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R74

MessagePosté: Mer 7 Juil 2010 14:24
par actarus1973
Merci !! :vacance: :vacance:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R76

MessagePosté: Mar 13 Juil 2010 01:33
par salahpayne
MAJ vers Savegame Manager Gx R76 .

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R76

MessagePosté: Mar 13 Juil 2010 08:11
par MeTalYaNg
salahpayne a écrit:MAJ vers Savegame Manager Gx R76 .

Merci bien à toi pour l'info! :bravo:

Je MAJ de suite car je suis un inconditionnel :!: :!:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R76

MessagePosté: Mar 13 Juil 2010 21:02
par shunite
Merci pour la MAJ :74:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R78

MessagePosté: Mar 20 Juil 2010 19:21
par salahpayne
Maj Savegame Manager Gx R78

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R78

MessagePosté: Mar 20 Juil 2010 20:11
par TGbot
Pour info , le code dump apparait si vous n'avez pas de Mii sur votre wii .

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R78

MessagePosté: Mar 20 Juil 2010 20:18
par salahpayne
Ok kalidor je l'ajoute comme note dans le main :)

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R78

MessagePosté: Mer 21 Juil 2010 09:47
par MeTalYaNg
Merci pour la MAJ!

Et vive les forwarders !!

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Ven 23 Juil 2010 13:30
par salahpayne
Mise a jour Savegame Manager Gx R79

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Ven 23 Juil 2010 18:15
par MeTalYaNg
salahpayne a écrit:Mise a jour Savegame Manager Gx R79

Merci! :bravo:

Toujours pas de forwarder :cry: :cry:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 07:43
par MeTalYaNg
SaveGame Manager GX est passé en r80!!

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R78

MessagePosté: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 23:45
par kyno
kalidor a écrit:Pour info , le code dump apparait si vous n'avez pas de Mii sur votre wii .

En même temps , qui n'as pas de Mii sur sa wii ? ^^' à Oui , kalidor... ^^'

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Mer 4 Aoû 2010 08:29
par MeTalYaNg
MeTalYaNg a écrit:SaveGame Manager GX est passé en r80!!

Personne ne sait comment on le compile ce truc :?: :?:

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 06:38
par actarus1973

SaveGame Manager GX r81



- Ajout du support pour les titres WiiTDB SaveGame
- Ajout des formats .xml et .zip
- Paramètres WiiTDB Ajouté dans SettingsPrompt
- Mise à jour le WiiTDB directement à partir des Paramètres WiiTDB
- Ajout de option UpdateSettings pour mettre à jour avec le dol.
-l ien de téléchargement: "" (Si votre Wii n'est pas connecté)

Forwarder v3 (.dol)


CHANGELOG Forwarder:

- ajout de USB 2.0, si le cIOS 202 est installé

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 08:26
par MeTalYaNg
actarus1973 a écrit:MAJ :

SaveGame Manager GX r81



- Ajout du support pour les titres WiiTDB SaveGame
- Ajout des formats .xml et .zip
- Paramètres WiiTDB Ajouté dans SettingsPrompt
- Mise à jour le WiiTDB directement à partir des Paramètres WiiTDB
- Ajout de option UpdateSettings pour mettre à jour avec le dol.
-l ien de téléchargement: "" (Si votre Wii n'est pas connecté)

Forwarder v3


CHANGELOG Forwarder:

- ajout de USB 2.0, si le cIOS 202 est installé

Merci actarus! :bravo:

Je n'arrive pas à faire tourner le forwarder.

En chaine, c'est nikel pourtant!

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 08:42
par actarus1973
MeTalYaNg a écrit:Je n'arrive pas à faire tourner le forwarder.

tu a installer un cios 202 ??

Re: Savegame Manager Gx R79

MessagePosté: Jeu 5 Aoû 2010 08:46
par MeTalYaNg
actarus1973 a écrit:
MeTalYaNg a écrit:Je n'arrive pas à faire tourner le forwarder.

tu a installer un cios 202 ??

J'ai le 202 pour WiiMC!!