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Lamecraft op 30 (Compatible VHBL PS Vita)

MessagePosté: Sam 21 Mai 2011 17:46
par TGbot

Drakon présente Lamecraft, un jeu inspiré par Minecraft, où vous pouvez détruire ou construire le monde de bloc.2 versions sont disponible en téléchargement, la version normale qui nécessite un custom firmware pour fonctionner et la version signée jouable sur une Psp en firmware officiel


[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

op30(compatible VHBL)
- Correction de bugs étranges avec les texture packs ;
- Possibilité de jouer sur PSVita avec le VHBL ;
- Temps de chargement écourtés lors de la sélection d'un texture pack ;
- Meilleure visibilité du terrain.

- day/night cycles
- sun and moon on the dynamic sky
- light source blocks
- torch block,lamp block
- option in game menu to freeze day time
- additional memory for psp slim owners
- option in About menu to check online for new version

- cleaner code (less warning while compiling)
- small changes in transparent object rendering(still lot to change)
- fake shadows in the corners

Rev 115
-Static icon in PSP menu
-Fixed freeze bug when putting psp in sleep mode(partially - before putting psp sleep in
-game try turn on game menu, sometimes still freeze without this)
-New screenshots will not override screenshots from other maps
-Added question do you really want remove save file.
-Open Source from now

rev 113
-Icon and background in PSP menu
-Parametric terrain generation
-Player walking sounds - more sounds will probably come
-Option in game menu to on/off player sounds
-Option in game menu to rename world
-When you will hold jump button player will repeat jumping
-When you are using parametric terrain generation and you will choose flat terrain, water will automatic turn off for now.

rev 110
-Better collision detection.
-Less graphics errors related to clipping.
-Small cubes are not clipped anymore near wall.
-Medium cube on the right - not animated yet.
-New option in game menu: "DevMode" - this will show fps,cpu/gpu usage,free memory...
-New option in game menu: "Take screenshot" - will make screen from the game and save it to the Lamecraft folder.
-In menu circle will work as "Back"
-In game menu you can turn off menu by pressing second time menu button.
-Simple sound in menu - testing audio lib.
- fixed crash bug when editing map near world end...
- saves compression - instead of 4 Mb now about 90 Kb.Faster map loading and saving. If you want to share your map you must copy 2 files ex. world1.lms and world1.lmsc
- save contains now position of the player
- desert will also now appear - there was bug in randomly generator.
- trees will not appear in ice or in each other
- fixed bug when choosing "Play" then back and "Load" - there was freeze
- better cube placing - they are now in right position all the time
- fixed bug with cube highlight/destroy near map end
- fixed bug when player could place new cube at player position
- fixed bug with camera flip when player was looking to hight or to low
- more blocks - 45 now
- in-game option menu when you can activate fly mode - for people that want build something
- in-game option menu when you can save game without exit
- option menu in main menu where you can adjust analog stick sensitivity
- option menu in main menu when player can set their own keys to actions
- crosshair on the screen
- 3 types of terrain - like now(default),winter type,desert type - all set randomly
- fixed that nasty bug from previous version that corrupted all graphics....
- more blocks - 36 now and new contorls(Up,Down - switching set of blocks)
- player will not fall down outside the map
- water can be destroyed
- block for ladder is active
- to go up from deep water just hold Jump button
- some small bugs fixed

Télécharger Lamecraft


Télécharger Lamecraft Signé



Re: Lamecraft rev 106

MessagePosté: Sam 21 Mai 2011 19:33
par Oops
je ne suis pas du tout mais alors pas du tout retro. Pourquoi ressortir nos vinyle, gros téléphone à cadran rotatif et minitel première génération :roll:

Re: Lamecraft rev 110

MessagePosté: Mar 24 Mai 2011 09:23
par TGbot
Maj Lamecraft rev 110 :bravo:

Re: Lamecraft rev 113

MessagePosté: Sam 28 Mai 2011 07:54
par TGbot
Maj Lamecraft rev 113

Re: Lamecraft rev 113

MessagePosté: Sam 28 Mai 2011 14:35
par salahpayne
Merci je viens de testé c'est stable mais par contre pour sauter avec select c'est pas la fête !! :mrgreen:

Re: Lamecraft rev 115

MessagePosté: Sam 28 Mai 2011 23:28
par TGbot
Maj Lamecraft rev 115

Re: Lamecraft rev 115

MessagePosté: Sam 28 Mai 2011 23:31
par Oops
toujours pas fan :P
merci quand même pour toutes tes news, Mr kalidor le modo super newser ^^ :mrgreen: :accord:

Re: Lamecraft op 30

MessagePosté: Ven 24 Juin 2011 21:05
par TGbot
Maj Lamecraft op30


Re: Lamecraft op 30 (Compatible VHBL PS Vita)

MessagePosté: Jeu 29 Mar 2012 16:00
par TGbot
Maj Lamecraft op30 (Compatible VHBL)
