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MessagePosté: Ven 23 Déc 2011 09:35
par TGbot

AutoStartPRX de Tim2001 est un plugin qui vous permet de lancer un homebrew automatiquement en appuyant sur une touche ou une combinaison de touche à n'importe quel moment et même au démarrage de la Psp.


Version 5.5
Changed the hooking method, apps like irshell's exit game works correctly now.
Fixed the bug where you couldn't turn back on the screen if turned off.
The constant LED blinking on startup shouldn't happen anymore.
Made the text in the options menu easier to understand.

Version 5.4:
Now you can launch one of the assigned games anywhere in the XMB by holding the R Trigger and the corresponding button.
Put some instructions on using the plugin in the readme, sorry about that.

Version 5.3:
Fixed a bug I added when I added support for Bubbletunes Game Categories.
Fixed a bug where the configurator would crash if an ISO had no name...
New GUI courtesy of aspheric.

Version 5.2:
Fixed a stack overflow bug that caused random crashes.

Version 5.1:
Fixed a bug where the configurator would crash if an eboot had no name.
Now scans GAME5XX for games too.
Now supports GEN firmwares.
Added support for Bubbletune's Game Categories plugin.

Version 5:
Recoded both the Configurator and the plugin. Much more stable than previous releases.
Configurator has both a new design and it is much easier to find your games.
Got a new GUI design. (Thanks Richie and Jazzer)

Version 4:
You can now bypass the autoboot by putting the WLAN switch up.
You can launch PSX games now too.
Rewrote the configurator and the configuration file parser. Configurator looks better and is more user friendly. (Thanks to Mc Cabe for the background)
PRX size decreased thanks to recoding and psp-packer.
No need to enable the prx for game.txt now.

Version 3:
Now you can assign a homebrew to autoboot. Handy for cintro. (No looping!)
Now you can not only assign homebrew but backed up games too.

Version 2:
Added more buttons
Improved the configurator
Fixed a bug that showed the SCE logo when you exited from a homebrew
Descreased the prx size from 30kb to 9kb

Version 1.1:
Descreased the prx size from 90kb to 30kb

Version 1:
Initial release is initial.

1. Copiez le dossier PSP à la racine de votre memory stick.
2. Si vous n'avez pas d'autres plugins, copiez le dossier seplugins à la racine de votre memory stick.
Toutefois, si vous avez d'autres plugins et / ou si vous avez utilisé des révisions précédentes de ce plugin, vous devez ajouter la ligne "ms0:/seplugins/AutoStart.prx" (sans les guillemets) pour vsh.txt.
3. Activer AutoStart.prx dans le menu recovery
4. Exécutez le configurateur depuis le XMB pour configurer le plugin.

Télécharger AutoStartPRX 5.6



Re: AutoStartPRX

MessagePosté: Ven 23 Déc 2011 09:59
par zinzin
C'est pas mal du tout ça quelqu'un l'a test ?