KaKaRoToKS PUP packer code
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KaKaRoToKS PUP packer code
Grâce au développeur de talent KaKaRoTo, l'auteur du Payload PL3!.n'importe qui peut recréer des fichiers Pup!
Originally Posted by KaKaRoToKS
Just pushed the pup packer code to https://github.com/kakaroto/ps3utils now anyone can recreate their pup files!
p.s: this also means, don't try if you don't know what you're doing and don't install any pup since anyone can brick your ps3 with a bad pup
Of course, it's copyrighted, i'll release a script that downloads OFW and patches it into CFW. RT @KDSBest will you release how you did it?
GIT Site: https://github.com/kakaroto/ps3utils
- Master Gamer
- Messages: 2390
- Inscription: Lun 20 Oct 2008 00:55
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.2E
- cIOS Wii: Cios57 rev20 slot249
- Type de DS: DS
- Linker DS: R4 Clone
- Firmware PS3: 3.73
- CFW PS3: Waninkoko
- Type de PSP: Fat
- Firmware PSP: 6.39 Me
- Type de Xbox360: Fat
- Lecteur Xbox360: LiteOn
- Firmware Xbox360: Lt + 2.0
merci pour la new-news, et voilà ca prend une tournure de plus, sortez nous un CFW svp, on en peut plus
- Gamer
- Messages: 726
- Inscription: Jeu 30 Sep 2010 09:22
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- cIOS Wii: Aucun
- Firmware PS3: 4.00
- Type de PSP: Fat
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