SwingBall 2 v0.1
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SwingBall 2 v0.1
SwingBall 2 v0.1

ThatOtherPerson nous propose SwingBall 2, suite de Swing Ball, qui est toujours un jeu de plateformes, mais cette fois sur PS3.
[BBvideo 425,350]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQSBX1p90AQ&feature=player_embedded[/BBvideo]


ThatOtherPerson nous propose SwingBall 2, suite de Swing Ball, qui est toujours un jeu de plateformes, mais cette fois sur PS3.
[BBvideo 425,350]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQSBX1p90AQ&feature=player_embedded[/BBvideo]

Here is the first and very early release of Swingball 2. Unlike its predecessor it is available not only for Wii but also for PS3 (with a PC version forthcoming).
There were some really cool user made levels for the original Swingball that did things I hadn’t even thought of and I’m looking forward to seeing how people take advantage of the new stuff in this game.
There are now blocks that can be swung from but not walked on (they aren’t solid). There are also tiles that will change the direction of gravity when you come in contact with them.
I haven’t begun it yet but I plan to make a WYSIWYG editor which will make it even easier for people to create their own levels.
There is a lot left to do. The game currently just consists of a single test level.

- Geek
- Messages: 2928
- Inscription: Mer 11 Fév 2009 11:52
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v9b1 r47
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
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