Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2
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Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2
Rodeur nous propose la mise à jour de Diablo sorceress project en version 1.1.2

Téléchargement Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2


Pad : move
START : Pause
Select : skill menu : touch the wanted skill with stylus, set secondary skill by pressing L+stylus at the same time (like launching it)
Stylus : Launch skill
Stylus + L-button : launch secondary skill
X button : savemenu
Y button : load menu
Change log (v1.1.2):
For the players:
-Added a menu after splash screens, save/load/controls.
-Npc dialogue (with sound streaming) On
-Questline: small and simple quests. Complete the questline for a special reward
-Finished waypoint menu
-Fixed some display glitches
-Adjusted some skills, firewall/blaze were too powerful
Code improvements:
-Map are now loaded via nitrofs, with text files for config
-Quests can be made easily via a text file
-Sprites/images are now loaded dynamiccaly, it's a bit more clean
-Cleaned some ugly parts of the source code (though theres a lot to do left...)
-Fixed various bugs
Change log (v1.1.1):
-Deleted all palib related content, keeps only some misc functions
-Using maxmod instead of aslib, with default arm7 core
-Top screen is handled with only vram banks H and I so that i doubled the space of textures
*Orbs of life and mana or now a lot smoother!
*Enabled some backgrounds for the dialogues (will mainly come in later versions with new NPC)
*Everything is loaded by nitrofs
-Maps are now loaded dynamically with nitrofs
-Some litlle fixes
Téléchargement Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2

Dernière édition par MamieSophie le Ven 27 Avr 2012 14:44, édité 2 fois.
Raison: Maj Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2 + correction
Raison: Maj Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2 + correction
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Maj Diablo sorceress project v1.1.2

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