DS App Studio
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DS App Studio
Awesomisoft nous propose la version 0.5 de son utilitaire PC "DS App Studio", IDE facilitant le développement de homebrew pour la nintendo DS.
[BBvideo 425,350]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-7wYvwIIk&feature=player_embedded[/BBvideo]

Site officiel
[BBvideo 425,350]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e-7wYvwIIk&feature=player_embedded[/BBvideo]
Ability to compile NDS
Ability to load 3D models and convert them
Ability to import/export plugins from the code
No limitations(this is a free studio)
Exporting templates
Editing folders used in the game
Check syntax tool
Choosing an emulator to use
Use DSAL Command Prompt to edit environment
Edit the global variables in your game/application
Create objects/controls in your game
Use code to create globalint/globalstring
Using both 2D and 3D
Create applications for file reading
Using plugins to make code shorter
Using global variables through out the whole game
More functions that allow you to use less memory
Backgrounds have higher resolution
No 3D render lag
OpenGL, a great 3D renderer, is used to emulate the 3D
Don't have to deal with irrelevant errors that occur because of just one variable.
A fast compiler
2D Features
Using sprites as objects
Sprite variables embeded, such as x and y locations
Fast rendering. No slow lag when sprites moves
2D physics variables are embeded, such as gravity and collisions
Stylus location variables are also embeded, such as teh stylus.px and stylus.py variables
Abilities to set or move a sprite with the moveobjectx(); and moveobjecty(); functions, and lots more.
No need to go through the hassle of defining a sprite with all uneeded code.
3D Features
Fast 3D renderer
Smooth 3D
Ability to use 3D variables
Ability to use multiple colors on one poly
Not limited to polys. You can also create points to draw certain objects
3D model loading
3D models are not laggy and do not take much code to insert into the game. All you have to do is load a though DS App Studio, use the ogldrawmodel(); function, and you have a model
No need to hassle over positioning of models.
You can use a camera(s), which don't limit you to room size

Site officiel
- Master Gamer
- Messages: 2480
- Inscription: Lun 3 Jan 2011 14:07
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
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