DMLizard V3.0
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DMLizard V3.0

eN-t nous propose son propre utilitaire pour créer son DML.wad et la conversion d'un jeux GameCube.


Version 3.0
-improved overall user experiece: speed (especially startup), look, and reliability
-restructured the main menu by adding and merging some points
-improved existing points:
* the wizard's a little more like a tutorial now
* added the ability to always skip a step or return to main menu
* added one step at the beginning: "Format homebrew drive" (more info below)
-DIOS MIOS and DIOS MIOS Lite download:
* added a description on what they are used for (SD or USB)
* if you already downloaded it and the verification succeeded, DMLizard will not redownload it
-WAD manager download:
* you can now download YAWMM or WAD Manager
* there is a short list showing advantages of both apps
-Disc dumper download:
* you can now download CleanRip or SuperDump
* there is a short list showing advantages of both apps
-USB backup loader download:
* you can now downloadfive USB backup loaders
* cfg USB Loader mod, USB Loader GX, WiiFlow mod, DM Booter, NeoGamma
-Game optimization:
* you can choose between GCReEx and DiscEx
* added a real batch mode: drag'n'drop one file at a time into DMLizard window to add it to the batch
* output folder is now name "GameName [GameID]" under "games"
* automatic fallback if GCReEx or DiscEx is not supported: from "GCReEx -x" to "DiscEx -c" to "DiscEx"
-Savegame conversion:
* added a real batch mode: drag'n'drop one file at a time into DMLizard window to add it to the batch
* output folder is now name "GameName [GameID]" under "saves"
-Copy files to homebrew drive
* now shows all FAT32 drives to choose from
* copies only the files from "copy-to-sd" which are a) not on the drive yet, b) newer than on the drive and c) not already copied to the drive
* moves all copied files to "copied-to-sd" folder after copying them to your drive
-added some new points:
-Format a drive:
* let's you choose to format a drive
* let's you choose either to format it for use with DIOS MIOS or with DIOS MIOS Lite
* when you choose DM, the drive will be formatted to "Format: FAT32, Clustersize: 32KB (automatic fallback to highest possible value), Name: WII"
* when you choose DML, the drive will be formatted to "Format: FAT32, Clustersize: 64KB (automatic fallback to highest possible value), Name: WII"
-Create a DML wad using an ELF file:
* let's you drag'n'drop an ELF file into DMLizard to create a WAD file from it
you can also enter which revision you are converting
-Search for a new version of DM or DML
* automatically searches for a new version of DM or DML and downloads the new WAD if there is one
* there is no download of the BC and MIOS and no verification (just to mention)
-Patch a game's "main.dol" using an IPS file
* let's you drag'n'drop an IPS file and the "main.dol" of a game to apply the IPS patch
* backs up your "main.dol" to "main.dol.bak" before applying the patch
* this feature is untested, though (just to mention)
-Enable drag'n'drop feature
* let's you choose to fix some registry values if drag'n'drop does not work for you
* there is a safe mode which only makes little changes but may have no effect
* and there is a mode which applies 5 changes and should definitely work - but be careful with that and ONLY USE if drag'n'drop really does not work!
Ancien changelog

- Geek
- Messages: 2928
- Inscription: Mer 11 Fév 2009 11:52
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v9b1 r47
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
- Master Gamer
- Messages: 2207
- Inscription: Sam 7 Mar 2009 21:50
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v6
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Firmware PS3: 3.73
- CFW PS3: kmeaw
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
- Type de PSP: Fat
- Firmware PSP: CFW 6.20
Merci actarus pour cette news
J'ai testé l'application et j'ai une question, quelle est la version de DML téléchargée (NMM, NoDisc, NMM+NoDisc,...) ?
Ensuite, j'ai un problème lorsque je veux convertir mon .iso avec DiscEX, ça ne fonctionne pas !
J'ai beau glisser mon image dans la fenêtre du programme et appuyer sur "Enter", il ne se passe rien

J'ai testé l'application et j'ai une question, quelle est la version de DML téléchargée (NMM, NoDisc, NMM+NoDisc,...) ?
Ensuite, j'ai un problème lorsque je veux convertir mon .iso avec DiscEX, ça ne fonctionne pas !
J'ai beau glisser mon image dans la fenêtre du programme et appuyer sur "Enter", il ne se passe rien

"La dictature, c'est ferme ta gueule ! La démocratie, c'est cause toujours !" Woody Allen
- Initié
- Messages: 131
- Inscription: Jeu 28 Oct 2010 17:55
- Localisation: Devant son écran...
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.3E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v10b r43 alt
- Type de DS: DSi
- Linker DS: CycloDSi Evolution

DMLizard V1.4

- Geek
- Messages: 2928
- Inscription: Mer 11 Fév 2009 11:52
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v9b1 r47
- Dongle PS3: Aucun

DMLizard V1.5

- Geek
- Messages: 2928
- Inscription: Mer 11 Fév 2009 11:52
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v9b1 r47
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
MAJ version 3.0
- Master Gamer
- Messages: 2480
- Inscription: Lun 3 Jan 2011 14:07
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
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