WiiDownloader 5.4 - Page 2
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Re: WiiDownloader 1.7.5
Ayatus a écrit:What's the license of your program?
I made all in Visual Studio 2010
All source code (that I need to update to latest version) is linked on gbatemp page.
You are askinkg for that or other?
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
This is the same link to the source code and changelog on GBAtemp.
Will not break the head with licenses, it was just a simple question.
Will not break the head with licenses, it was just a simple question.
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
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- Wi-Fi: Non
Ayatus a écrit:This is the same link to the source code and changelog on GBAtemp.
Will not break the head with licenses, it was just a simple question.
I know that you use the correct link, and thanks for that.
But, about "licence" is a new arguments for me.
I don't have a good knowledge about the types of license.
Although it may sound easy, I really don't know how to say.
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
Ok, briefly, the license is a contract between you and the end users.
It aims to protect you (authorship, intellectual property) and define rules for users (use, modification, redistribution)
It aims to protect you (authorship, intellectual property) and define rules for users (use, modification, redistribution)
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
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- Wi-Fi: Non
Salut une application tres interessante ma deja pas mal depanner encore merci.
- Novice
- Messages: 14
- Inscription: Lun 20 Fév 2012 11:51
- Sexe:
Someone can translate french.txt in "tutorial" folder ?
I would be very grateful.
I would be very grateful.
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
Hi actar,
Here is a small bug if the language files are missing:
Why not use default strings if language files or strings are missing?
Here is a small bug if the language files are missing:
Why not use default strings if language files or strings are missing?
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
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- Wi-Fi: Non
Ayatus a écrit:Why not use default strings if language files or strings are missing?
I started to do it, but after I decide to finish other things..
by the way.. for have this problem I think that you delete or modify Languages folder.
Confirm only that (for understand if there is a bug)
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
Hi actar, sorry for the late reply.
We agree, this is not a bug.
I tested your last version:
But I'm not finished with language management, you are using a static list, easy to code but not handy to add new languages without altering the program.
If you used a dynamic list, it will be handy.
Should change the language file by adding:
This method has several advantages:
Other things:
These strings have a placement absolute and not relative to their length.
Some resources:
And finally, how does one access the tutorial?
We agree, this is not a bug.
I tested your last version:
- without language file: ok
- without strings: ok
But I'm not finished with language management, you are using a static list, easy to code but not handy to add new languages without altering the program.
If you used a dynamic list, it will be handy.
Should change the language file by adding:
- Code: Tout sélectionner
CountryId=FRA iso 3166-1 alpha-3 for France
CountryDisplay=Français for french
This method has several advantages:
- Only the languages really present are listed.
- It is easy to add new ones.
- The language is independent of the file name.
Other things:
These strings have a placement absolute and not relative to their length.
Some resources:
- french.ini based on translation's bendis6: french.ini
- Smaller images database: images.7z
- Code: Tout sélectionner
oldIFS="$IFS" # sauvegarde du séparateur de champ
IFS=$'\n' # nouveau séparateur de champ, le caractère fin de ligne
for fichier
printf "%-32.32s %8d → " $(basename $fichier) $(du -b "$fichier" | cut -f1)
(which optipng && optipng -o7 "$fichier") > /dev/null
(which advpng && advpng -z4 "$fichier") > /dev/null
(which pngout && pngout -ks "$fichier") > /dev/null
(which deflopt && deflopt "$fichier") > /dev/null
printf "%8d\\n" $(du -b "$fichier" | cut -f1)
IFS="$old_IFS" # rétablissement du séparateur de champ par défaut
And finally, how does one access the tutorial?
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Merci pour la MAJ
- Gamer
- Messages: 552
- Inscription: Lun 23 Mai 2011 11:48
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
- cIOS Wii: Aucun
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Linker DS: rxTools 2.6 en 9.8
- Firmware PS3: 4.11
- CFW PS3: 4.70 HabibCobra
- Type de PSP: Slim
- Firmware PSP: 6.60ME 1-x
- Firmware PSVita: 1.61
- Type de Xbox360: Slim
- Lecteur Xbox360: LiteOn
- Firmware Xbox360: ????
- Dashboard: 17xxx
Ayatus a écrit:Hi actar, sorry for the late reply.
And finally, how does one access the tutorial?
And sorry but I see only now your reply.
1- For the dinamic language I was just thinking to fix it (but make really stable the program was my priority)
Now i can think to it.
2- For the the text allignement I will fix on next release, thanks
3- For create a tutorial, try to put your Wii info (SM and Region), if you want chage some check, then start the download using the script that will be created.
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
Cool, I see that you had already planned everything.
For tutorial, I finally found and I saw that the html was very ugly.
Bonnes fêtes !
For tutorial, I finally found and I saw that the html was very ugly.
Bonnes fêtes !
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Ayatus a écrit:For tutorial, I finally found and I saw that the html was very ugly.
Unfortunately, I had never written a line in HTML until last month.
The problem is that the tutorial can be different (it depend by checked box), and isn't easy to have always have a correct ordering.
Now appear good, I think that isn't a problem if HTML isn't the best.
( I really haven't no more time also for learn HTML, I just spend it to learn c# )
- Novice
- Messages: 23
- Inscription: Ven 12 Oct 2012 21:33
- Sexe:
I'm very familiar with html, I could you propose a template in html 5 + css 3.
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Maj WiiDownloader 2.4.0
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Maj WiiDownloader 2.8
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Mise à jour 3.3
- Master Gamer
- Messages: 2480
- Inscription: Lun 3 Jan 2011 14:07
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
Maj WiiDownloader 4.0
Félicitations au papa et à la mama.
Félicitations au papa et à la mama.
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Merci pour la maj
Merci pour la maj
- God Member
- Messages: 7083
- Inscription: Jeu 2 Avr 2009 02:35
- Localisation: 17 et 95
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- cIOS Wii: Wii vendu
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Linker DS: R4i GOLD 3DS (r4ids.cn)
- Firmware PS3: 4.11
- CFW PS3: ode a venir
- Type de PSP: Fat
- Firmware PSP: 6.60 pro-B10
- Type de Xbox360: Fat
- Lecteur Xbox360: LiteOn
- Firmware Xbox360: LT+3.0 rgh2 coolrunn
- Dashboard: 3.775
J'aurais une question :
Pourquoi dans la partie "Homebrew - Emulator" il y a "Genesis Plus GX" et "fbzx-wii" (Spectrum) disponible mais pas de forwarder pour ces derniers ?
PS très bon soft
Edit 18h45 le 03/06/2013
@ Ayatus : je suis "conscient" que la tache est ardue...
C'etait juste pour le signalé... Quand au script, pour moi c'est du "chinois"
J'aurais une question :
Pourquoi dans la partie "Homebrew - Emulator" il y a "Genesis Plus GX" et "fbzx-wii" (Spectrum) disponible mais pas de forwarder pour ces derniers ?
PS très bon soft
Edit 18h45 le 03/06/2013
@ Ayatus : je suis "conscient" que la tache est ardue...
C'etait juste pour le signalé... Quand au script, pour moi c'est du "chinois"
- Novice
- Messages: 85
- Inscription: Sam 25 Mai 2013 13:54
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: 236 + d2x v10 beta 52
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Linker DS: Gateway
- Firmware PS3: 3.55
- CFW PS3: att 4.75 rebug
- Dongle PS3: e3flasher
- Type de PSP: Slim
- Firmware PSP: 6.20 LME-2.3 perma
- Firmware Xbox360: WiiU 5.3.2
La liste des téléchargements se veut la plus exhaustive possible, mais l'enrichir et la mettre à jour est une tâche bien fastidieuse pour un seul homme.
Il est en revanche possible d'y créer ses propres scripts de téléchargements et, pourquoi pas, les partager.
Il est en revanche possible d'y créer ses propres scripts de téléchargements et, pourquoi pas, les partager.
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
Maj WiiDownloader 5.4.
- Gamer
- Messages: 846
- Inscription: Mar 3 Aoû 2010 19:08
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Non
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