Versailles 2 FRANCAIS/ENGLISH/GERMAN - Windows 11
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Versailles 2 FRANCAIS/ENGLISH/GERMAN - Windows 11

Jeu Complet Versailles II : Le Testament pour Windows 11 sans aucun bug ni soucis en jeu !
Full game version of Versailles II: Testament of the King for Windows 11 without any bug or problem in-game !
- Code: Tout sélectionner
Versailles 2 (Cryo Interactive 2001) "Perfect Edition" V1.0 by Tgames
This version of Versailles 2 is the perfect version of the game (from the DVD edition).
Only one file to mount (DATA.ISO) and just extract everything to C:\ hardrive.
Setup :
0) Extract the zip to the root of the letter of the hardrive of your choose (for example C:)
1) Make sure V2_Game.ini is correctly copied in Windows folder of your hardrive
2) Copy-replace the file by one corresponding to your language (follow the guide in LANGUAGES folder)
3) Mount the file Data.iso from C:\CRYO\VERSAILLES2 folder (on Windows 10/11 just double-click on it !)
4) Set Versailles II.exe as "Launch as Administrator" and compatibility to "Windows XP SP2".
5) Launch Versailles II.exe !
Installation :
0) Extraire le zip au root du disque dur de votre choix (par exemple C:)
Le chemin doit être C:\CRYO\VERSAILLES2\
1) Vérifiez que le fichier V2_Game.ini est correctement copié dans le dossier Windows de votre disque dur.
2) Copiez-remplacez le fichier par celui correspondant à votre langue (suivre le guide dans le dossier LANGUAGES)
3) Mountez le fichier Data.iso dans le dossier C:\CRYO\VERSAILLES2 (sur Windows 10/11 il suffit de double-cliquer !)
4) Mettre Versailles II.exe en lancement mode Administrateur et en compatibilité "Windows XP SP2".
5) Lancez Versailles II.exe !
(C) Tgames 2024
Perfect Edition V1.0: For/Pour Windows 10 & Windows 11

PATCH #1: Addon: For/Pour 4:3 et 30 FPS :
This patch is for players who want original 4:3 and 30 FPS (some texts during cutscenes will now be in normal speed).
One downside is now the game runs slower.
If you prefer smoothing during gameplay, just re-install the Perfect Edition without this patch.

PATCH #2: Torcy DVD Fix :
In the DVD edition of Versailles 2,
Cryo put 2 animations sprites for Torcy character (in Chapter 2) from the CD version (low-res).
This mistake caused a glitch for the character Torcy in his 2 states of animations "Dial" and "Transition".
As they never re-released the DVD version, thoses 2 files are concidered lost in the high-res format.
This patch goal is to not use thoses 2 states and that way it fix the glitch to occurs.
The fix was to rewrite the script C2Q21ZW4.scp (Quest 21 of Chapter 2).
This archive contains 2 versions of the fix, one for v1.0.0.0 (DVD original version) and one for v1.0.5.0b (last official patch, used in Perfect Edition).
If you use Perfect edition or game with lastest patch, use the fix from folder "PerfectEdition-1050b".
If you use the original DVD without any patch installed, use the fix from folder "OriginalDVD-1000".

Youtube Officiel du forum Tgames : ICI
- Messages: 3644
- Inscription: Dim 21 Sep 2008 11:15
- Localisation: France
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: Cios57 Rev19
- Type de DS: 3DS
- Linker DS: M3i Zero
- Firmware PS3: 4.00
- CFW PS3: 3.55 PS3MFW
- Dongle PS3: PS3Key
- Type de PSP: Slim
- Firmware PSP: 5.00-M33 CFW
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