Harmony's Nightmare V1.2
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Harmony's Nightmare V1.2
Harmony's Nightmare
Mr. Reaper nous propose Harmony's Nightmare. Il s'agit d'un jeu multi-genre : plate-forme, réflexion, puzzle, survival horror porté pour la Wii.
Le jeu détectera automatiquement le contrôleur utilisé. La Wiimote ou le pad GameCube sont les meilleurs choix.
[BBvideo 640,360]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RJHJdyW674[/BBvideo]

Mr. Reaper nous propose Harmony's Nightmare. Il s'agit d'un jeu multi-genre : plate-forme, réflexion, puzzle, survival horror porté pour la Wii.
Le jeu détectera automatiquement le contrôleur utilisé. La Wiimote ou le pad GameCube sont les meilleurs choix.
[BBvideo 640,360]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RJHJdyW674[/BBvideo]

1.2 : - Lots of minor bug fixes, a sound effect improvement, and several animation improvements/adjustments
- All new Unlockable Story Chapters (and music, kinda)
- Thanks to Titmouse's improved sound libraries, the intro and victory music is now in High Quality Stereo.
- I converted all movement in the game to use floating-point precision, resulting in much smoother motion. Now as the levels get faster, they do so much more gradually, instead if in larger jumps as before.
- All levels re-balanced because of this. For example, previously level 2 had the enemies moving at two speeds: "fast" and "slow." Now they can move at 11 different speeds: "fast," "slow," and 9 incremental speeds in between those. Speeds on all other levels were also adjusted in various ways.
- All new Unlockable Story Chapters (and music, kinda)
- Thanks to Titmouse's improved sound libraries, the intro and victory music is now in High Quality Stereo.
- I converted all movement in the game to use floating-point precision, resulting in much smoother motion. Now as the levels get faster, they do so much more gradually, instead if in larger jumps as before.
- All levels re-balanced because of this. For example, previously level 2 had the enemies moving at two speeds: "fast" and "slow." Now they can move at 11 different speeds: "fast," "slow," and 9 incremental speeds in between those. Speeds on all other levels were also adjusted in various ways.
1.1 : Lots of behind-the-scenes code optimizations and small visual/animation tweaks/adjustments. Also, I thought level 3 was too easy compared to the other levels, so I MADE IT HARDER, Mwhahahaha! But the note placement on that level is better now, so maybe I need to make it harder still >:) I also tried to work around some random sound issues (it seems that gcmodplay and/or aesndlib have some problems...). Maybe at some point I'll try converting everything to use asndlib and see if it fixes the random sound glitches completely.
1 : Initial Release.
Dernière édition par mamule le Sam 13 Oct 2012 23:06, édité 2 fois.
Raison: correction
Raison: correction

- Geek
- Messages: 2928
- Inscription: Mer 11 Fév 2009 11:52
- Sexe:
- Wi-Fi: Oui
- Firmware Wii: 4.1E
- cIOS Wii: d2x v9b1 r47
- Dongle PS3: Aucun
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